About Us

Hello and Welcome to Willow Ridge! 

My name is Natasha and I am the proud owner of Willow Ridge! I am so happy you are here and hope you can find all you are looking for. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at shopwillowridgeNE@gmail.com

A Little About Us: Willow Ridge is a combination of two online stores that have merged into one! We are preparing to open a store front October 1, 2023 and we are beyond excited!!

How we got started: Busy Beads started while I was on maternity leave in 2022. I was suffering from depression from having an emergency hysterectomy, mind you we had planned on having one more baby. So I started crafting to suppress the depression. I found a silicone beaded pacifier clip and was intrigued! I started researching and shortly after made my first purchase for silicone beads. I started off making wristlets, keychains, pens, badge reels, and ventured into much more. It wasn't long after I designed my first exclusive focal bead that symbolized my breastfeeding journey with my baby. What an accomplishment it was for me.

RCK Paper Products started because I couldn't find thank you cards that were a good variety, quality, and most importantly CUTE! So I decided to challenge my creative side and started designing and printing my own cards. It wasn't long before I started offering them on my website! RCK is my youngest daughters initials: Remmorie Clara Kolbet. We incorporated that with a play on ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS and here we are with beautiful unique products!